Using time-lapse to share best practices in world heritage
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Using Time Lapse to Share Best Practices
in World Heritage Site Restoration

Mourn Notre-Dame

Last year everyone in the world stopped to mourn Notre-Dame in Paris after a devastating fire destroyed the roof of the cathedral. This disaster was a good reminder of the power and importance of the world’s historic cultural sites.

Preserving heritage sites can seem like a heavy task, not worth the time and efforts in this increasingly digital world however these sites provide not only a source of identity to locals but also serve as a community hub for cultural activities. Numerous historic world heritage sites around the world are struggling to find a balance between maintaining their relevancy in this modern world and preserving their authenticity as a site of historical importance. The UNESCO certified Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière in Lyon, France, is showcasing their best practices in unified heritage preservation and community building through time lapse video.

The Basilica is described by many in the City of Lyon as the heart of the region and its location nestled on the top of the hill overlooking the city has over 2000 years of rich history. With over 2.5 million annual visitors, each visitor makes the trek up the hill for different reasons and everyone leaves with a unique experience that is both spiritual and cultural.

The Fourvière Foundation

In 1998 the Basilica created the Fourvière Foundation, a non-profit responsible for up keeping the historical property as well as the operation of the property’s tourist and cultural activities. The Foundation is a key member of the Lyon community and works in partnership with the City of Lyon and the Auvergne-Rhone-Alps Region.

The Fourvière Foundation is currently spearheading a giant renovation and restoration project, rightfully named “New Momentum for Fourvière,” that was started in 2016 and is expected to be completed in 2022. As with all of the Basilica’s activities this project is multi-faceted and is intended to strengthen the site’s spiritual, cultural, tourist, and philanthropic activities.

Inclusivity is a major theme of this project and the Foundation is working with many community groups to ensure that Notre-Dame de Fourvière continues to be a sanctuary for all. This year a new restaurant will open on the site in partnership with Apprentis d’Auteuil, an organization that provides at risk youth with apprenticeship opportunities. The Foundation is committed to creating numerous job opportunities for at-risk community members as well those with disabilities. Numerous local charitable organizations will also be welcomed to use the newly created community space to run their various activities. Time lapse is being used to document the entire project. This footage allows the Basilica to create a more memorable experience for the entire community and serve as an archival reference that can be enjoyed by future generations.

The New Momentum project

With each major advancement in the construction process videos and photos are shared with project partners, the general public, and benefactors. Brinno BCC100 cameras have been set up on-site to capture the entire construction process. When asked why Brinno’s cameras were chosen, Adele Petit from the Fourvière Foundation’s communication team said it was their cost to quality ratio as well as their ease of use. Videos are shared to the public digitally through the Foundation’s social media channels and as well as on screens inside the newly opened welcome pavilion.

Brinno with be partnering up with the Fourvière Foundation for the remainder of the New Momentum project and will be providing them with a BCC2000 camera to capture the rest of their project in HD. Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on FB to stay up to date on all our international partner projects!

For more information about the Fourvière Foundation or if you would like to get involved in their activities at the Notre-Dame de Fourvière Basilica in Lyon check out their website:

To learn about Brinno’s construction series cameras and how time lapse can be used to optimize your restoration project go to:

Inside Notre


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